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                • After-sales service

                  Shanghai Advanced Clinical Labratory Science Technology Co., Ltd.

                  We always puts maintaining the benefits of customers before the work of our company, and regards service as an effective tool for communicating with medical professionals to build trust. Relying on strong professional background and professionalism as service supervision, the company continuously instills a full-service awareness in employees, and is committed to providing users with professional technical support and comprehensive, timely and thoughtful after-sales service. The company has product department, technical application department and after-sales service department. There are a number of product clinical application experts and after-sales service engineers. They have strong technical service support capabilities and can provide users with fast and comprehensive on-site services. Users provide free technical training, maintenance and follow-up visits.

                  Technical hotline: 800-820-1060

                • Training services

                  Shanghai Advanced Clinical Labratory Science Technology Co., Ltd. provides customers with professional, comprehensive and high-quality training services, providing a full range of equipment training, application training, academic support and other related services.

                  Service Hotline: 800-820-1060





