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                AESKU Autoimmune Disease Diagnostic System

                • High-quality antigens

                  All antigens are independently developed adopting most advanced technology, which are recombinant or highly purified from natural antigens, and optimized through the clinic. For example, dsDNA detection adopts human recombinant blunt-ended dsDNA instead of ordinary bovine thymus extract or other Animal-derived dsDNA, thus effectively avoiding the interference of histones and ssDNA. This method especially optimizes the ratio of cardiolipin andβ2GPI, which effectively increasing the detection rate of anticardiolipin antibodies. Besides, IFA adopts substrates all from human or originally animal source, using non-ethanol fixing HEp-2 cell slides, thus controls the number of dividing cells and ensures the quality of the product.

                • Standardized design

                  AESKU products include the most extensive standardized ELISA and IFA testing (from routine to research applications) applicable to all major autoimmune diseases, and enzyme-labeled and IFA reagents for different projects. The reaction time of operation steps is the same. All ELISA quantitative reagents are adopting 6-point precise calibration.

                • Flexible reagent combination

                  Screening, typing detection and single analysis can be provided at the same time for free combination. Single analysis can be qualitative and quantitative to meet different needs.

                • Fully automated operation

                  AESKULISA? enzyme-labeled reagents can be automated on various fully automatic ELISA instruments. AESKU's original HELIOS fully automated fluorescence immunoassay analyzer can also achieve fully automated interpretation from slide operations, and reading to graphic results.

                • Full traceability

                  IFA slides are marked with barcodes and have unique numbers to ensure traceability throughout the process.

                AESKU company

                AESKU company is a supplier of products and services dedicated to early detection, diagnosis and prognosis evaluation of autoimmune diseases. Since its establishment in 2000, it has been widely recognized in the field of autoimmunity. It has launched more than 320 products and uninterrupted services in more than 90 countries and regions around the world, involving indirect immunofluorescence, enzyme labeling, western blotting, chemiluminescence and related Quality control products and automated instruments are one of the world's top suppliers of autoimmune diagnostic products.

                Autoimmune disease

                Sometimes, components from patients’ own body are also considered as foreign bodies, thus leading to autoimmune reactions. The prevalence of autoimmune diseases in the population is about 5%. There are about 385 million autoimmune diseases in the world, and this number is still rising. According to the clinical manifestations and the cumulative range of lesions, autoimmune diseases can be divided into two categories: systemic and organ-specific. More than 100 autoimmune diseases are currently known, including: Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, type I diabetes, Sjogren’s syndrome, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, autoimmune hepatitis, vasculitis and Antiphospholipid syndrome, etc.

                Most autoimmune diseases are related to the formation of autoantibodies against one's own tissues and organs. By detecting autoantibodies by immunological methods, specific diseases can be determined, treatment effects or risk of disease can be evaluated. It helps patients cope with their own diseases, take preventive measures, seek personalized treatment, and improve the quality of life.


                The series of AESKU autoimmune disease diagnostic reagents are independently developed and produced by the German AESKU company. They are used for the screening and confirmation of routine autoimmune samples, and are suitable for manual or automated laboratory operations.

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