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                Join us

                Shanghai Advanced Clinical Labratory Science Technology Co., Ltd. is a medical product provider with a 20-year history of development and a corporate culture of "professional development, success sharing", integrating R&D, production, sales and service.

                We have a very stable core staff team and a very low turnover rate, and we are committed to building a vibrant, open and harmonious, unremitting and motivated elite team with strong cohesion. This is a classroom for young people to learn, a stage for struggle, and a podium for success. After you put in great efforts, you will recieve the value you deserve.

                We hope that you are smart enough, careful enough, longing for the future, have firm goals, and are willing to face with the pressure and challenges of life!

                We will provide you with higher income than industry enterprises, incentive rewards and punishments, stable and good welfare benefits and ambitious career development, and move forward hand in hand to achieve mutual achievements.

                If you are interested in interviewing, please send your resume (indicating the position and expected salary income) to:

                E-mail: office@bio-acls.com(Miss Liu from the Human Resources Department)

                Address: Building 8, No. 2277, Zuchong Road, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Shanghai (201203)

                Website: www.bio-acls.com


                work place

                • Clinical academic representative


                  Job Responsibilities

                  Responsible for the academic promotion of the company's series of medical products, including preparation of academic materials, conference planning and clinical teaching, as well as collection of national market information and analysis of competitors.

                  job requirements

                  1. Bachelor’s degree or above in clinical medicine, medical laboratory science, excellent fresh graduates are also available.

                  2. Outgoing personality, strong logical thinking ability, strong language expression ability, good at communicating with others, and a certain sense of service.

                  3. Under 40 years old, able to work hard and adapt to frequent business trips.

                  4. Fresh students with strong plasticity and learning ability are required.

                  5. Have good professionalism, professional ethics, coordination ability, and strong team spirit.

                  • Emailoffice@bio-acls.com(Miss Liu from the Human Resources Department)

                  • AddressBuilding 8, No. 2277, Zuchong Road, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Shanghai (201203)

                  • Websitewww.bio-acls.com

                • Medical device product sales manager/sales representative


                  Job Responsibilities

                  1. Develop, maintain, consolidate and expand customers and product promotion exchanges.

                  2. Responsible for sales and promotion of company's products in hospital, and regularly visit customers in the jurisdiction to formulate solutions.

                  job requirements

                  1. Within 40 years of age, more than one year of work experience.

                  2. College degree or above ( graduate in medical laboratory or clinical medicine is preferred ).

                  3. Can bear hardships and stand hard work, adapt to frequent business trips.

                  4. Those with experience in the in vitro diagnostic industry are preferred.

                  5. Have good professionalism, professional ethics and strong enterprising spirit, good at communicating with others, strong team spirit.

                  • Emailoffice@bio-acls.com(Miss Liu from the Human Resources Department)

                  • AddressBuilding 8, No. 2277, Zuchong Road, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Shanghai (201203)

                  • Websitewww.bio-acls.com





