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                The 17th International Laboratory Medicine and Blood Transfusion Instruments and Reagent Expo closed successfully

                Release time:2020/08/24


                2020 is the most special and difficult year. All walks of life are facing with invisible pressure. The same is true for us in the IVD industry. But we still believe that 2020 will also be a year of both crises and opportunities, because there is faith and responsibility, and no difficulties can defeat us.

                Due to the epidemic, the exhibition originally scheduled for March was postponed several times, from the vernal equinox to the beginning of autumn. After more than five months of waiting, I finally look forward to the annual IVD exchange event with twists and turns. The annual exhibition is characterized by a large amount of information, high popularity, strong professionalism, and large scale, attracting numerous domestic and foreign experts, scholars, entrepreneurs, manufacturers, distribution companies, investment banks, laboratory medicine workers, etc. to participate in the exhibition. And this year, despite the epidemic situation, nearly 1,000 companies from domestic and international areas are still exhibiting.

                As a member of the industry, Shanghai Advanced Clinical Labratory Science Co., Ltd. attaches great importance to this conference. We dispatched a team of experienced sales and engineers to be stationed at the exhibition site to provide the most professional product explanations for exhibitors from all over the country.




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